Join our community

The only requirement for membership is that you:

  • Identify as a woman

  • Are 18 years or older

  • Have a willingness to support other women

This networking community is based on reciprocity — where giving support and getting support hold equal value. We are a group of women professionals who are making career pivots, climbing the ladder, building businesses, side-hustlin’, juggling life and work.

We are different, but what makes us all the same is our desire to actively open doors and celebrate one another in all kinds of accomplishments.

What you get

  • Digital community: On-demand access to a vibrant community of women professionals. Need advice? We got you. Need a referral? Heck yes! Want to share an interesting perspective? Please do :)

  • In person events: We keep ‘em casual — think coffee, walks, and the like

  • Monthly virtual meetings: Typically around a specific topic. Things like: salary negotiation, how to manage a side hustle while working full time, and anything else you all tell us you want to hear!

  • Coming Soon: Exclusive access to digital learning experiences